Mastitis és szoptatás

W. Ungváry R, Mikó-Baráth E, Kiss E: Mastitis és szoptatás. LAM 2018;28(11–12):513–522


Az emlőgyulladás különböző súlyosságú formái a laktáló nők jelentős százalékát érintik. Mivel súlyos fájdalommal, általános rossz közérzettel, magas lázzal jár, valamint szövődményei is súlyosak lehetnek, megelőzése és hatékony gyógyítása fontos népegészségügyi feladat. A szoptatás idő előtti abbahagyásának okai között szinte az első helyen szerepel az emlőgyulladás miatti fájdalom, az elhúzódó gyógyulás, a betegség többszöri ismétlődése vagy az esetlegesen kialakuló emlőtályog.

Adverse drug reactions in breastfed infants: less than imagined

Anderson PO, Pochop SL, Manoguerra AS. Adverse drug reactions in breastfed infants: less than imagined. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2003 May;42(4):325-40.


Medication use during breastfeeding shortens the duration of breastfeeding often because of overly cautious information given by healthcare providers. No comprehensive review of the literature on infant adverse reactions from drugs in breastmilk has been published. All published studies and case reports on adverse events in infants caused by medications (excluding drugs of abuse) in breastmilk were identified and analyzed.

Breastfeeding - evidence based guidelines for the use of medicines

Amir LH, Pirotta MV, Raval M. Breastfeeding--evidence based guidelines for the use of medicines. Aust Fam Physician. 2011 Sep;40(9):684-90.


Background: General practitioners may consider prescribing medicines for breastfeeding women during the postpartum period. Most medicines can be used safely during breastfeeding at the recommended dose, however there are exceptions that necessitate caution.

Objective: This article provides an evidence based review of medicines used for common situations and their compatibility with breastfeeding.

Why does the need for medication become a barrier to breastfeeding? A narrative review

McClatchey AK, Shield A, Cheong LH, Ferguson SL, Cooper GM, Kyle GJ. Why does the need for medication become a barrier to breastfeeding? A narrative review. Women Birth. 2018 Oct;31(5):362-366.


Problem: The need for medication during lactation can contribute to the early cessation of breastfeeding.

Background: Breastfeeding women may require medication for acute or chronic health conditions. For some women this need for medication can become a barrier to breastfeeding; this is despite the fact that the majority of medications are considered to be compatible with lactation.

Aim: This narrative review aims to investigate factors relating to medicines safety that could contribute to medication unnecessarily becoming a barrier to breastfeeding.

Safety and efficacy of galactogogues: substances that induce, maintain and increase breast milk production

Zuppa AA, Sindico P, Orchi C, Carducci C, Cardiello V, Romagnoli C. Safety and efficacy of galactogogues: substances that induce, maintain and increase breast milk production. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2010;13(2):162-74.


Poor production of breast milk is the most frequent cause of breast lactation failure. Often, physician prescribe medications or other substances to solve this problem. The use of galactogogues should be limited to those situations in which reduced milk production from treatable causes has been excluded. One of the most frequent indication for the use of galactogogues is the diminution of milk production in mothers using indirect lactation, particularly in the case of preterm birth.

Pharmacologic Management of Common Ailments in Women Who Are Breastfeeding

Dogruluk AA. Pharmacologic Management of Common Ailments in Women Who Are Breastfeeding. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2019 Nov;64(6):703-712.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of breastfeeding in the United States has increased 34% between 2005 and 2015. Women who breastfeed can require treatment of various common illnesses. When caring for women who are breastfeeding, health care providers may unnecessarily discourage them from breastfeeding during treatment. Choosing the appropriate medications for these individuals is critical to ensure the woman is effectively treated, infant exposure to medication is minimized, and the breastfeeding relationship is preserved.

Breastfeeding Challenges: ACOG Committee Opinion, Number 820

Breastfeeding Challenges: ACOG Committee Opinion, Number 820. Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Feb 1;137(2):e42-e53.


Breastfeeding is associated with a decrease in a woman's risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hypertensive heart disease. Breastfeeding initiation rates in the United States are increasing, and many women are aware of the maternal and infant health benefits of breastfeeding. However, problems may arise that can keep women from achieving their breastfeeding goals, and only 25% of women in the United States are breastfeeding exclusively at 6 months. Many women experience early and undesired weaning because of persistent pain or nipple injury. A focused history and physical examination are essential to help obstetrician-gynecologists and other obstetric care professionals distinguish the specific cause of their patients' pain and determine appropriate treatment.

Breastfeeding/Breast Milk Safety in Infants of Mothers with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Infection

Cinar N, Suzan OK, Ozturkler S, Cinar V, Tabakoglu P. Breastfeeding/Breast Milk Safety in Infants of Mothers with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Infection. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2022 Apr;32(4):492-502.


The purpose of this systematic review was to determine whether suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infected mothers in the lactation period can breastfeed their infants; and whether suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infected mothers can breastfeed their infants by taking some precautions. The study also aimed to present the measures that can be taken in line with the evidence.

COVID-19 és várandósság, szoptatás, csecsemőkor

A COVID-19-fertőzést követően a tünetek elmúltával, illetve a védőoltás után nem szükséges késleltetni a gyermekvállalást, bármikor vállalható várandósság.

A várandósság önmagában nem jelent nagyobb veszélyt a koronavírus által történő megfertőződésre. Bár a legtöbb várandósnak fertőzés esetén csupán enyhe tünetei vannak, nagyobb számban alakulhatnak ki náluk - különösen a terhesség késői szakaszában - súlyos tünetek, mint a nem várandósoknál.